What Could Be The Possible Substance Use Disorder?

Many people turn to substances or perhaps have a Substance Use Disorder at some point in their lives to escape their problems. If you have a problem with substance use and find yourself stuck, it’s time to face these challenges. You deserve help, and there are many resources available. We at Gratitude Lodge offer the following advice to people in recovery or seeking help with their substance use.

First, remember that the reasons you turned to a substance probably have nothing to do with the substance itself and everything to do with your emotions. People use drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and other substances to deal with their problems. At times like these, it’s important to understand that there are other ways of dealing with stress without turning to a substance. Dealing directly with your problems is often the most effective solution.

Some Substance Use Disorder Are As Under

1. Marijuana

To understand Marijuana Dependence, addicts must consider three key facts: marijuana withdraws from the system within 12-24 hours of its regular use, it is taken orally rather than smoked, and this form of use is unique.

If used incorrectly, you risk experiencing effects unlike cocaine or heroin withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can last up to 24 hours after being removed from marijuana.

Marijuana or hashish withdrawal can range from lightheadedness and headaches to insomnia and anxiety.

2. Stimulants

There is no specific universal definition of dependence on stimulants because they can take various forms.

The first reaction to stimulant withdrawal is labeled the crash. This stage involves a cluster of physical and psychological symptoms that can last days or weeks, depending on the substance. During this period, abusers may experience intense fatigue, depression, and irritability.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol withdrawal is characterized by irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. Alcohol withdrawal can last for one to two weeks after cessation of drinking. Many factors can contribute to alcohol addiction which will be addressed in later sections of this article. However, a major concern is social situations, where alcohol consumption is a major factor in determining how people relate to one another.

4. Amphetamines

The first reaction to amphetamine withdrawal involves loss of emotions and motivation, characterized by depression and fatigue. In addition, many people experience numbness, anxiety, restlessness, and seizures. Although amphetamines are not physically addictive, several psychological factors can complicate recovery.

5. Opiates

There is no specific definition for opiate addiction because there are so many medications that cause withdrawal symptoms. Recently, opiates have become more popular due to the risks associated with prescription medicines. Opiate withdrawal is also referred to as narcotic withdrawal because of the risk of severe symptoms when stopping use abruptly. Professionals can treat Substance Use Disorder.

6. Inhalants

Inhalants enhance sensory perceptions of sight, hearing, and touch. Their use is characterized by loss of inhibition, often accompanied by feelings of euphoria. Unfortunately, many inhalants can produce sedation, making inhalant abuse quite attractive to young people unaware of its dangers. There are few guidelines for withdrawal from inhalants, although certain symptoms can be expected as the body attempts to recover from the various ill effects associated with their use.

7. Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens alter a person’s perception of sight, sound, and touch and cause delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thinking. Substance Use Disorder and hallucinogens can have several health effects that are not only unpleasant but also dangerous. During the first week of withdrawal from hallucinogens, patients will undergo physical symptoms such as chills, cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Many users may also experience severe headaches along with mood swings.

8. Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepine drugs are used to produce relaxation and reduce anxiety by stimulating the central nervous system. They can be addictive, especially if taken for a long time or in high doses. These drugs can cause physical and psychological dependence, especially when taken for longer periods. Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be very uncomfortable and intense.

9. Barbiturates

Barbiturates are prescribed to treat various health conditions, including anxiety disorders, insomnia, seizures, and muscle spasms. Like other drugs that cause physical dependence, barbiturate withdrawal can be uncomfortable and even fatal, especially when taken off too quickly—long-term with no breaks between doses. Withdrawal symptoms can last up to two weeks after the user has completely ceased taking them. Some symptoms that will be experienced include trembling, seizures and chills.


Gratitude Lodge can help you with any Substance Use Disorder. Besides you can also get more information and guidelines on substance abuse treatment from us. We try our best to treat our patients carefully and have a good reputation in the community and abroad. Therefore, we will give you the best substance abuse treatment program when you are with us.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at tel:+18888611658. We will be at your service on 7/24.

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